
Why Calling a Professional to Mount Your TV Is a Good Idea

by | Nov 29, 2021

You can hardly hold in your excitement about your new TV. Thinking of all of the shows and movies you’re going to watch in the comfort of your home has you eagerly waiting to set up your TV mount. But how should you go about this? Turns out, it can be pretty easy to install it incorrectly.

There are a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t handle mounting your TV yourself, and we will go over those reasons today. 

  • Incorrect placement
    • Where you want your TV is the first thing you want to think about before installing. Consider where you will get the view based on angle and sun exposure, where you’re going to keep your connected devices, and where the nearest power outlet is. One obvious (but sometimes overlooked) place you shouldn’t mount your TV is above your fireplace. You also need to consider the placement of your speakers. Speakers are an important aspect of a home theatre system and are what produce the full theatre experience. 
  • Not installing it securely
    • This is one of the most risky mistakes you can make because the TV may fall and hit a person or a pet or get damaged. You need to find a load bearing wall that can support the weight of the TV. Your best bet is to speak with a professional about the specifics of your situation before doing anything. 
  • Poor cable management
    • There will be plenty of cables in your home theatre system which makes it difficult to know how to arrange them well. Your setup could end up looking like a mess, or worse— not working at all. You want to add class and sophistication to your space, not a clutter of cables. 
  • Video and audio not calibrated properly
    • Even though your user manual may have all of the information you need, you might not be able to understand everything. A professional will know which cables go where and ensure your video and audio are calibrated correctly. 

Before trying to mount your TV on your own, consult the professionals at LEC who are happy to help you make the perfect home theatre experience. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Just give us a call and we will have one of our qualified technicians come out to install it for you as soon as possible. 


Image: iStock — Jodie Johnson